Hunting and Power

Castle Museum Groß Schönebeck

Birds chirping and street fighting, hunting rituals and the invasion of the forests by nature-hungry townspeople. Hermann Göring builds Carin Hall and Erich Honecker hunts his last stag.
For the exhibition, we developed a multi-channel audio installation that spans the entire exhibition space over two floors. The connecting acoustic element is a summer’s day in the Schorfheide, which runs in fast motion and reflects nature in various moods from the morning mood to the evening thunderstorm. In interaction with theme-related sound collages, which associate the historical and political events of the individual time epochs, the sound colours of nature change again and again.
On the visual level, large-format video projections create cinematic atmospheric references to individual eras: in the bathing scene from the film “Kuhle Wampe”, migratory birds jump into an idyllic forest lake while the threatening backdrop of the Second World War rises above Carin Hall and German bombers fly into the war.

Client: Gemeinde Schorfheide
Service: production of a 19-channel audio installation across rooms, 7 video installations, 4 large projections: concept and direction, editing, sound design, voice over, mixing, planning and installation of the media technique